Ask The Chaplain

Ask The Chaplain

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Why Prosperity Preaching is Heresy

One of the lies of Prosperity Preaching is that ABUNDANCE means monetary wealth. The favor of God is not measured by the size of ones bank account. If this were true then Donald Trump and Bill Gates have more favor than anyone. This doesn’t mean a Christian cannot attain wealth, but wealth is NOT the indicator of an abundant or blessed life.

Luke 14:33 (Phi) "Only the man who says goodbye to all his possessions can be my disciple."

Luke 14:33 (TEB) Concluded Jesus, "none of you can be my disciple unless he gives up everything he has."

Luke 14:33 (RSV) "Whoever of you does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple."

Luke 3:11 (NIV) John answered, "The man with two tunics should share with him who has none, and the one who has food should do the same."

Luke 6:30 (Jer) "Give to everyone who asks you, and do not ask for your property back from the man who robs you."

Now don’t get mad with me just read what Jesus said! Does our savior seem to agree with the preachers of greed that infest our TV’s and radio waves? This simply doesn’t line up with the “Name it Claim It” message of today. Wake up saints! Who are we going to agree with Jesus or the disciples of Prosperity? I get ridiculed all of the time because I am accused of “touching God’s anointed” When I criticize the likes of Benny Hinn and Oral Roberts. If some of these guys were in the Old Testament they would be stoned. Most Christians are so timid and awestruck by these preachers that they are scared to challenge their false teaching.

Why Prosperity Preaching is Heresy

One of the lies of Prosperity Preaching is that ABUNDANCE means monetary wealth. The favor of God is not measured by the size of ones bank account. If this were true then Donald Trump and Bill Gates have more favor than anyone. This doesn’t mean a Christian cannot attain wealth, but wealth is NOT the indicator of an abundant or blessed life.

Luke 14:33 (Phi) "Only the man who says goodbye to all his possessions can be my disciple."

Luke 14:33 (TEB) Concluded Jesus, "none of you can be my disciple unless he gives up everything he has."

Luke 14:33 (RSV) "Whoever of you does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple."

Luke 3:11 (NIV) John answered, "The man with two tunics should share with him who has none, and the one who has food should do the same."

Luke 6:30 (Jer) "Give to everyone who asks you, and do not ask for your property back from the man who robs you."

Now don’t get mad with me just read what Jesus said! Does our savior seem to agree with the preachers of greed that infest our TV’s and radio waves? This simply doesn’t line up with the “Name it Claim It” message of today. Wake up saints! Who are we going to agree with Jesus or the disciples of Prosperity? I get ridiculed all of the time because I am accused of “touching God’s anointed” When I criticize the likes of Benny Hinn and Oral Roberts. If some of these guys were in the Old Testament they would be stoned. Most Christians are so timid and awestruck by these preachers that they are scared to challenge their false teaching.

Why Was Martin Luther so Important?

When Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses on the door of the church, he did so not to create a denomination, as some believe. Martin Luther wanted to correct anti-biblical practices being promoted in the church. The main theme revolved around the practice of “selling indulgences”. What the church was doing was convincing people that they could “pay” their family members out of purgatory. The church did this primarily to finance the Popes greed and desire to finance the Cistene Chapel in Rome. Now we Protestants read this stuff in Church History books and we gasp, yet how many of us “enlightened” Spirit-filled Protestants that know of Bishops, Pastors, and Preachers in our Protestant churches that “sell blessings”. We have condemned Catholics for centuries, yet we have the same skeletons in our closets. From Reverend Ike, Robert Tildon, or to the pastor in the storefront in the inner city, we too have been guilty of “selling blessings”. Every Protestant denomination (and non-denomination) has had it share of “Greedy Popes”. I really admired Martin Luther’s guts, but where are the Martin Luther’s of today? When Oral Roberts said he would die unless he got 80 million dollars in donations, where was the outrage from Christians? Of course the world ridiculed his nonsense, but there was no moral outrage from any Christian leaders. Why? Well I’ll tell you why! It is a very lonely position when you stand on the truth of scripture. We are quick to condemn Catholics trust in traditions and church doctrine, but we are equally guilty! How often have you seen and heard things done in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in your church, but in your gut (spirit) you knew it was against the Bible? And why didn’t you say something is the more disturbing question. Jim Jones was able to take hundreds of lives in Guyana because someone refused to listen to their gut (spirit). I firmly believe in supporting the local church and helping pastors, I want to make that clear. However there is a real epidemic of spiritually stupid “saints” that don’t study their Bibles and try every spirit by the Spirit. We were given the ability to discern so we WON’T end up giving our money to crooks and drinking poison Kool-Aid! Many of today’s most prominent preachers would be labeled heretics hundreds of years ago because MOST clergymen were devout Theologians and serious students of scripture. Today ordination papers and licenses are given to anyone that say’s they are called to preach. I agree that being Spirit-filled and called is the first priority of being a preacher, but ALSO there has to be training…SERIOUS TRAINING! A lack of understanding of just the basic Bible doctrines of the faith can lead to the types of abuses I am talking about. Martin Luther was able to stand up to the lies of Rome because he was filled with the knowledge of the truth. I am a Pentecostal preacher, I believe in the Charismatic Gifts of the Spirit, but that doesn’t negate the fact that we must have a scholarly approach to the scriptures and it’s teachings. I have heard PREACHERS say stupid things like, “I don’t know the Bible that well but I am filled-with the Holy Ghost and fire!” This person is a prime candidate for deception and a good whipping from the devil! The Bible say’s in 1st Timothy 4:4 “In the last days some shall DEPART from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and DOCTRINES of devils.” The Devil will fill your head with HIS doctrine (teaching) if your head isn’t filled with sound Bible doctrine. Martin Luther unlike other priest actually studied the Bible for truth and not to support a man made lie. We must as individual believers have reformer’s courage to stand up to the church when it strays from the truth of scripture. I know it sounds crazy to say stand up AGAINST the church, I am of course talking about organized denominational/non-denominational institutions that profess to be of Jesus Christ, yet stray away from the truth of Jesus Christ. I have seen enough heresy in the church in the last 25 years of my life to make ones head spin and the majority of it went unchallenged. We allow “preachers” to say anything in our pulpits and we say AMEN! Because we are afraid, to be attacked for standing up for the truth. In 1980 I was stationed at Kunsan Air Base in South Korea. While there I heard a Baptist preacher tell a group in Bible study that “all roads lead to Rome” meaning every religion can get you to heaven. I was a new believer, but I knew this was wrong! I challenged him, because NO ONE else would say a word. He was a popular preacher and I was a new convert so you can imagine whose side everyone lined up on. My point is this, when you hear false preaching or teaching SAY SOMETHING! The Apostle Paul was the new kid on the block (Read Galatians) yet he challenged and corrected the Chief Apostle Peter for treating the Gentile believers wrong.

Ministers are NOT infallible, only the Word of God is! No matter how popular or how powerful a preacher is, they are NOT above reproach!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Are Mormons "Christians"

Mormonism, for example, says Jesus was begotten in the pre-existence from God and his goddess wife who used to be people in another world -- which is not what the Bible teaches. But that isn't all. Please check out this brief list of Mormon teachings documented from Mormon writers:

Mormonism also teaches that there are many gods, (Mormon Doctrine, p. 163).
There is a mother goddess, (Articles of Faith, by James Talmage, p. 443).
After you become a good Mormon, you have the potential of becoming a god, (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pages 345-347, 354).
God used to be a man on another planet, (Mormon Doctrine, p. 321).
The Trinity is three separate gods, (James Talmage, Articles of Faith, p. 35).
God the Father has a body of flesh and bones, (Doctrine and Covenants, 130:22).
God is married to his goddess wife and has spirit children, (Mormon Doctrine p. 516).
By contrast, Christianity, which is based on the Bible, says there is only one God (Isa. 43:10; 44:6,8; 45:5); that God is a Trinity of persons, not three gods; that God has always been God (Psalm 90:2); that God knows of no other gods (Is. 44:8); that you cannot become a god (Is. 43:10); and that God is spirit (John 4:24). This contradicts Mormonism. Therefore, Mormonism is not biblical, and not Christian. If Glen Beck holds to the teachings listed above, then he is not Christian.

What Kind of Courses Should a New Minister Take?

Old Testament Survey
This course is a basic overview of the Old Testament. The aim is to acquaint the student with the content, message and personal application of each book, and to study the unity of all the books in the progress of revelation and redemption.

New Testament Survey
This course is an overview of the four Gospels portraying the life of Christ. The Book of Acts is used as a historical framework for a study of the earlier New Testament letters and as introduction to its later letters and to its climax. Application of the New Testament’s teachings to our individual and corporate lives as believers is maintained throughout.


Students will learn to examine techniques, principles, and standard practices in the delivery of sermons. Students will practice delivering sermons and will critique the sermons of fellow students.

Evangelism and Missions
Students will examine some of the key methods that are employed in group evangelism, planning evangelistic crusades, and conducting public witnessing campaigns.
Leadership Principles. This course examines the diverse variety of leadership methodologies, principles and practices. It is the foundational course for the Leadership Studies Major. Students will learn the importance of developing their leadership styles and of helping organizations develop healthy leadership practices.

Pastoral Counseling
Students will learn techniques and theories for effective interpersonal and group counseling.

Church Administration
This course will examine all phases of church business administration: pastoral management, goal-setting, prioritization, time management, delegation of authority, accounting and decision ¬making. This course will focus on the practical application of these administrative responsibilities.

Introduction to Public Speaking
This course will provide information and practice skills in preparing and presenting speeches and oral presentations.

This course will examine the importance of the role and responsibilities of the lay member at the local, district and jurisdictional levels.

Human Relations

This course focuses on the importance of effective human relation skills in building positive relationships and presents practical examples based on biblical principles that can be used in the church community.

Time Management

This course explores time management tools and how to effectively apply them to various areas of ministry.

Teaching Methods
This course examines methods of effective teaching and suggests some principle, techniques and perspectives that will make the practice of teaching more purposeful, pleasant and productive.

How do I know If I am Called to Preach?

The Preacher... Who are they? And What has God called them to do? How to know for sure you are called to preach?

First and foremost, the preacher will have experienced the new birth and will be walking in a determined dependence upon the indwelling Holy Spirit. This is a constant concern within the heart of a preacher.

Secondly, The preacher is gifted to preach and teach the Word of God. They are concerned with leading people to Christ and Christians to maturity. (1 Timothy 3:6). God's Preachers are NOT a dime a dozen. They are motivated and moved by a threefold cord:
1. The Greatness Of God (Isaiah 6:1)
2. The Grace Of God (Isaiah 6:7)
3. The Groaning Of God (Isaiah 6:8)

Thirdly, The preacher remains engaged in a systematic, structured and comprehensive study of the Word of God (2 Timothy 2:15).

How Can one know for sure that God has called them to be a preacher of His Gospel?

The Biblical Answer Is: God's calling becomes the chief pre-occupation of your thinking and conversation. You just can't shrug it away (Jeremiah 20:9).

If you sense that God has called you to be a preacher, seek counsel from your pastor and other experienced and seasoned preachers. Seek the face of God in this regard. If God has called you to preach... you know that you will never be happy doing anything else (1 Corinthians 9:16).

Called To Preach? Take The Test...

To Which Capacity Has God Called You?

A. The Gift of Prophecy - Proclaims the Truth
B. The Gift of Knowledge - Clarifies the Truth
C. The Gift of Wisdom - Applies the Truth
D. The Gift of Teaching - Imparts the Truth
E. The Gift of Exhortation - Inspires obedience to the Truth

#1: Do you find yourself with great desire to proclaim Christ and do you follow through in that desire? If so, God has gifted you with the gift of prophecy (not foretelling but forth-telling); 1 Corinthians. 14:1,4. You are not called to proclaim revelation, you are called to reiteration of God's Word. Simply put, God has called you to be a preacher in the capacity of pastoring, evangelism or missions.

#2: Do you find that you have the ability to observe biblical facts and make a correct conclusion? If so, God has gifted you with teaching. This gift can be applied to both public and private audiences. Likely, God has called you to be a pastor or a lay-teacher.

#3: Do you find that you have the ability to understand God's will and make application of it? If so, God has gifted you with the Word of Wisdom (1 Corinthians. 12:8a) This can be applied in the area of counseling.

#4: Do you find yourself with the desire and ability to strengthen and encourage believers to walk by faith? If so, God has given you the gift of exhortation (Romans 12:8). This is the ability to come alongside someone who needs building up. Barnabas was a great exhorter. If this is your habit, God has called you to be an evangelist and can be applied in the area of pastoring, evangelism, and/or missions

It is important to note that if God has called you to be a pastor, all of the above is in your possession. It is imperative that you allow the Holy Spirit to cultivate these gifts in you in order that you may be proved and approved for the pastorate or whatever capacity God is calling you to. This is where a sound biblical seminary education becomes essential. Visit the Open Bible Institute online and begin the process to answering your call to preach with a sound biblical and affordable seminary education today.

Is Homosexuality NORMAL?

The Bible is not at all bashful about this subject. There are those in both the political and religious establishments who fervently attempt to legitimize homosexuality as an acceptable alternative life-style in spite of what the Bible says.

The Word of God specifically calls homosexual behavior sin (see Leviticus 18:22; Romans 1:18-32; 1 Corinthians 6:9,11). Homosexuality (to exchange or abandon natural relations of sex) was as widespread in Paul's day as it is in ours. This behavior is strictly forbidden in Scripture. Tragically, homosexuality is considered an acceptable practice by many in our world today, even by many churches. Many homosexuals believe that their desires are normal and that they have a right to express them and even demand that society as a whole acknowledge their behavior and beliefs are God given rights. Many even believe they were born in this fashion.

Because God's Word is the only authority for life; Christians must accept the fact that homosexuality is born out of deception and the lust of the flesh. Homosexuality is by nature a predatory behavior and can only result in death.