Old Testament Survey
This course is a basic overview of the Old Testament. The aim is to acquaint the student with the content, message and personal application of each book, and to study the unity of all the books in the progress of revelation and redemption.
New Testament Survey
This course is an overview of the four Gospels portraying the life of Christ. The Book of Acts is used as a historical framework for a study of the earlier New Testament letters and as introduction to its later letters and to its climax. Application of the New Testament’s teachings to our individual and corporate lives as believers is maintained throughout.
Students will learn to examine techniques, principles, and standard practices in the delivery of sermons. Students will practice delivering sermons and will critique the sermons of fellow students.
Evangelism and Missions
Students will examine some of the key methods that are employed in group evangelism, planning evangelistic crusades, and conducting public witnessing campaigns.
Leadership Principles. This course examines the diverse variety of leadership methodologies, principles and practices. It is the foundational course for the Leadership Studies Major. Students will learn the importance of developing their leadership styles and of helping organizations develop healthy leadership practices.
Pastoral Counseling
Students will learn techniques and theories for effective interpersonal and group counseling.
Church Administration
This course will examine all phases of church business administration: pastoral management, goal-setting, prioritization, time management, delegation of authority, accounting and decision ¬making. This course will focus on the practical application of these administrative responsibilities.
Introduction to Public Speaking
This course will provide information and practice skills in preparing and presenting speeches and oral presentations.
This course will examine the importance of the role and responsibilities of the lay member at the local, district and jurisdictional levels.
Human Relations
This course focuses on the importance of effective human relation skills in building positive relationships and presents practical examples based on biblical principles that can be used in the church community.
Time Management
This course explores time management tools and how to effectively apply them to various areas of ministry.
Teaching Methods
This course examines methods of effective teaching and suggests some principle, techniques and perspectives that will make the practice of teaching more purposeful, pleasant and productive.
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