The Preacher... Who are they? And What has God called them to do? How to know for sure you are called to preach?
First and foremost, the preacher will have experienced the new birth and will be walking in a determined dependence upon the indwelling Holy Spirit. This is a constant concern within the heart of a preacher.
Secondly, The preacher is gifted to preach and teach the Word of God. They are concerned with leading people to Christ and Christians to maturity. (1 Timothy 3:6). God's Preachers are NOT a dime a dozen. They are motivated and moved by a threefold cord:
1. The Greatness Of God (Isaiah 6:1)
2. The Grace Of God (Isaiah 6:7)
3. The Groaning Of God (Isaiah 6:8)
Thirdly, The preacher remains engaged in a systematic, structured and comprehensive study of the Word of God (2 Timothy 2:15).
How Can one know for sure that God has called them to be a preacher of His Gospel?
The Biblical Answer Is: God's calling becomes the chief pre-occupation of your thinking and conversation. You just can't shrug it away (Jeremiah 20:9).
If you sense that God has called you to be a preacher, seek counsel from your pastor and other experienced and seasoned preachers. Seek the face of God in this regard. If God has called you to preach... you know that you will never be happy doing anything else (1 Corinthians 9:16).
Called To Preach? Take The Test...
To Which Capacity Has God Called You?
A. The Gift of Prophecy - Proclaims the Truth
B. The Gift of Knowledge - Clarifies the Truth
C. The Gift of Wisdom - Applies the Truth
D. The Gift of Teaching - Imparts the Truth
E. The Gift of Exhortation - Inspires obedience to the Truth
#1: Do you find yourself with great desire to proclaim Christ and do you follow through in that desire? If so, God has gifted you with the gift of prophecy (not foretelling but forth-telling); 1 Corinthians. 14:1,4. You are not called to proclaim revelation, you are called to reiteration of God's Word. Simply put, God has called you to be a preacher in the capacity of pastoring, evangelism or missions.
#2: Do you find that you have the ability to observe biblical facts and make a correct conclusion? If so, God has gifted you with teaching. This gift can be applied to both public and private audiences. Likely, God has called you to be a pastor or a lay-teacher.
#3: Do you find that you have the ability to understand God's will and make application of it? If so, God has gifted you with the Word of Wisdom (1 Corinthians. 12:8a) This can be applied in the area of counseling.
#4: Do you find yourself with the desire and ability to strengthen and encourage believers to walk by faith? If so, God has given you the gift of exhortation (Romans 12:8). This is the ability to come alongside someone who needs building up. Barnabas was a great exhorter. If this is your habit, God has called you to be an evangelist and can be applied in the area of pastoring, evangelism, and/or missions
It is important to note that if God has called you to be a pastor, all of the above is in your possession. It is imperative that you allow the Holy Spirit to cultivate these gifts in you in order that you may be proved and approved for the pastorate or whatever capacity God is calling you to. This is where a sound biblical seminary education becomes essential. Visit the Open Bible Institute online and begin the process to answering your call to preach with a sound biblical and affordable seminary education today.
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