Jesus' male ancestors trace a line from Shem. However, ethnically and racially, they were mixed Semitic and Hamitic from the times spent in captivity in Egypt and Babylon.
Rahab and probably Tamar were Canaanites. Although Canaanites spoke a Semitic language, they were descendants of Ham through his son Canaan. Bethsheba, who had been the wife of Uriah the Hittite, probably was a Hamitic Hittite herself.
In the United States today the general view on whether someone is "black" is the One-Drop Rule -- if a person has any black ancestors s/he is considered "black", even with a clearly Anglo skin color, e.g., Mariah Carry, Vanessa L. Williams, LaToya Jackson. (cf., for example, The Politics of Egyptology and the History Kemet (Egypt)) We have already established that Jesus had black blood, I am not writing this book to promote Blackness but to promote truth. We have been forced for centuries to believe that not only is Jesus white, but everyone in the Bible except a couple of exceptions. Why am I making a big deal about this, because the story we have been given is a lie. When Black people were slaves we were told God was WHITE, His Son was WHITE and everyone in the Bible was WHITE! This caused severe inferiority in the Black race, and it also supported the myth of white superiority. I firmly believe the most important thing about Jesus is that He died for our sins and that He is the Son of God, that He is 100% man and 100% God, but promoting a false image of Jesus is just as bad as when Muslims deny His deity, if we give a false impression of His humanity that is wrong also.
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